Industry, it's what drives the American economy, it's
the back bone of the nation. Industry is where millions
of blue collar workers spend their days making life
a better place for the American family.
The United States has the best industrial companies in the
world and makes, manufactures, mines and drills for products,
builds roads, timbers the forests, and thousands of other
things providing not only valuable products for consumers
but also provides a high standard of living for the
workers and their families.
Our hat is off to the millions of workers who go out
there every day working 24/7 to make this the greatest
industrialized country history has ever seen.
Enjoy your tour through our industry site and check back often
as we are going to be adding new content each week as
we explore more and more of America's Industry.
Also you will want to take a look at our section on
Industrial Safety
Equipment and Safety clothing items for workers
to make your jobs easier and get you safely back home
to your loved ones.
America has the Finest workforce in the world

Deconstruction - The Green Side of
Ergonomics and the Construction Industry
Facts about the Demolition Industry that May Surprise You
How to Have a Career in the Demolition Industry
How Iron Is Made
How Steel Is Made
Jobs in the Demolition Industry
What Is It Like to Be a Demolition Worker?
Michelin Company

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