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Budget cuts for Pennsylvania
The Governor of this fine state has decided to cut
the budget starting with education. Seems the teacher's
union backed his opponent in the election and the Gov
has also refused to place taxes on the natural gas industry,
which just so happened to back Corbett in the election.
Pa. is in deep financial trouble asking all the teachers to
take a 1 year pay freeze, plus loads of money not going to
be allocated to under privileged children and such programs
as Head Start and day care.
If the state were to tax natural gas, then it really wouldn't
make that much of a difference to the gas companies, they
would just pass the added cost along to the consumer. All
of our electrical and natural gas bills would just rise to cover
the cost, so if the state is going to do that, they just might
as well increase our taxes instead.
The answer to all of this state's financial woes is very simple.
Open all the hundreds of thousands of acres of state owned
gamelands to allow drilling, then collect the royalties from
the gas. The royalties would amount to millions upon millions
of dollars for the state coffers and get this state out of debt.
How simple is that. But probably what would happen with
this new found wealth is the legislature would vote themselves
a healthy pay raise and increase in their pensions......
And thanks to all the voters who put DeWeese back in,
you just saved the state 100,000 dollars. See if he had gotten
voted out, then we the taxpayers would have had to foot
his 6 figure pension, (hard to imagine how he would ever
live on that measly amount, maybe we out to pass the hat
and take a collection for him ....), plus we would have had
to pay the new person in office his salary.
February 20, 2010
The American Railroad Association reported that 29% of
the nation's rail cars, (all cars: gondolas, coal cars,
tankers, freight cars, etc.) are currently in storage
due to the sagging economy. This amounts to 449,000
rail cars. During a good economy, there are only 2 to
3 percent of the rail cars in storage.
On October 15 2009 Range Resources made the announcement that
it's Marcellus Shale production exceeds 80 Mmcf a day and
they are expecting to up that to 90 or 100 Mmcf by the end
of the year. Mmcf = 1 million cubic feet, mcf = 1,000 cubic feet.
They have 77 horizontal Marcellus wells and expects to drill
and case about 20 more. They use now 4 horizontal drilling
rigs and are upping that to 6 rigs in 2010.
Natural gas prices are falling, reservoirs are almost filled up across
the country, yet the demand for natural gas keeps going up.
There is a company that is right now planning a 42 inch pipeline
to go from the Rocky Mountains to the Philadelphia/ New York area.
They expect to deliver 420 Mmcf a day to that area from inlets
across the Marcellus play.
A Rig from Oklahoma brought to Khedive Pa. for
drilling a horizontal well into the Marcellus Shale.
this well now produces about 3 mcf a day. Notice the roughneck
climbing the rig about half way up.

Drilling a Super Well (10,00 feet or deeper into the Marcellus Shale)

(Reclaiming a gas well site. This well was drilled 10,000 feet.
This well didn't produce hardly anything, they put a pump jack
in it for a year, then refracked it, it still didn't produce
hardly anything.)

Harry Stamper from the movie Armageddon

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