The Different

Kinds & Types

of Crowbars


What Kind of Crowbar Should You Use? Part 1
By: The Working Man

The first thing we should consider is that not all crowbars
(jimmy, jemmy, pry bar, prybar, jimmy bar) are created equal. In
fact the cheaper the crowbar (if bought new) the more likely it
isn't going to stand the test of time and do the job you want.
There are many materials, types, styles, lengths and colors of
crowbar, so first you should understand the elements of a crowbar
and the purposes for which you will possibly use the prybar
before you buy one.

A crow bar can be made from lead (toxic), iron, carbon steel (of
many degrees) and titanium.

Lead crowbars are mainly used in demonstrations when someone
wants to impress people with their strength because lead crowbars
are actually very bendable and totally impractical for anything

Iron crowbars are probably some of the lowest cost versions. They
will rust unless well cared for, and, depending on the structure
of the bar, will only bear a set amount of weight before bending.

Carbon steel is typically what more crowbars are made of today.
You can also buy stainless steel crowbars that will not rust.
Steel pry bars typically can take a lot of weight and will last
longer than lead or iron prybars.

Titanium crowbars do not rust, they are light weight and they can
take a lot of punishment. Women typically like titanium crowbars
for the lower weight and durability.

It is understood that the higher carbon steel you buy, the
tougher the crowbar and the more weight the crowbar can take. So
buying carbon steel of a high gauge or a titanium bar is probably
ultimately a better deal for you in the end.

Go to Part Two: Types of Crowbars

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