Places to

Buy a Good



Where to Find a Good Crowbar
By: The Working Man

Just about any tool store or lumber yard will carry crowbars.
Your main concern is going to be Will this crowbar do the job I
intend to do?

It is important to understand that not all crowbars are created
equal and fitting the right crowbar to the job will be your
main challenge.

But here are some good places in the USA to look for crowbars.

- Lowes
- Meeks
- Sutherlands
- Sears
- TruServ
- Ace Hardware
- Home Depot
- TruValue
- Kmart
- Walmart

You can also try your local hardware store, lumberyard, builders'
supply or even auto shop. The most common types of crowbars can
usually be found locally. For the more specialized crowbars you
may need to find another more specialized source.

You might also look around at flea markets, auctions, yard sales
and garage sales. Often people sell tools that they are no longer
using. Often you can find a crowbar or one type or another at a
yard sale or garage sale. You may not find the one you are
looking for though. If you can find an estate auction that has
many tools you may find a number of good basic and specialized
crowbars at low prices.

The Internet is also a possible source of crowbars, especially
the specialized crowbars. You can find just about any type of
crowbar under the sun on the World Wide Web. Don't get
discouraged and be sure to shop around if you are looking online
for a specific crowbar. Also be sure to check the shipping before
purchasing a crowbar online, since crowbars are heavy.

Finding a crowbar in general is easy. It is in finding the more
specialized crowbars like the Japanese Tiger Paw/Pry Bar that a
lot of women like because it is light and can do a lot that you
may run into problems.

Remember to make sure that the crowbar that you are getting is
the right length and the right type of crowbar for the job. Some
crowbars can only pry apart a certain weight range. Typically the
longer a crowbar is the more it can pry.

Also be sure the crowbar has the right type of facility for you.
For instance, do you need a nail puller on one end? Or do you
need a scraper? Or do you need any specialized parts? These are
questions you want to ask yourself before you go out and buy a
crowbar. Not all crowbars are created equal.

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