Filtering Self-Rescue Air Purifying Respirators

Types of Filtering

Self Rescue Air

Purifying Respirators


Personal Protective Equipment - Types of Respiratory Protection

- Part 2 of 4
By: The Working Man


Filtering Self-Rescue Air Purifying Respirators cover anywhere
from a quarter of your face to half your face with a mask that
has an attached unit that filters out fumes, mists, dust and
particulates. However, they can not protect you against vapors,
carbon monoxide or gases that might be in the air.

The filter on a Self-Rescue Air Purifying Respirator must be
replaced at regular intervals. The filter will become clogged
with whatever air contaminants you were exposed to, and if the
filter is not replaced often it will decrease your air flow. If
the filter becomes totally blocked leakage around the mask can
happen, removing your protection.

If you can not get enough clean air to breath while you are
working it can cause severe headaches and make you incapable of
working. Oxygen deprivation is a serious risk if proper care is
not taken to replace the filter in a timely fashion.

There are three different types of Filtering Self-Rescue Air
Purifying Unit classes available, based on their ability to
filter particles.

- Class 1: Particulate Respirators capture particles such as
dusts, mists and fumes, but not gases or vapors. They become more
effective as particles collect on the filter and plug the fibers,
but the filter should be replaced when it becomes difficult to
breathe through it.

- Class 2: Combination Respirators are used when there are both
gases and particulates.

- Class 3: Gas & Vapor Respirators are used when the danger is
from vapors or toxic mist -Highest efficiency. When the
concentration of dust outside the mask is ten milligrams per
cubic meter then only .001 milligrams of the vapor will actually
pass through the mask and into your lungs. Class three will
provide you with the most protection against the types of
contaminants listed for this particular respirator.

Please see Part 3 for more information...

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