Using Glasspaper and Sandpaper for Sanding

The Art of

Sanding with Sandpaper


Completing Your Project using Sandpaper or Glasspaper
By: The Working Man

When sanding a project start with a medium grade sandpaper
and work through finer grades of sandpaper until the desired
finish is achieved. Be sure once you have thoroughly sanded
a surface with one grade that you move to a finer grade of
sandpaper until the surface is as smooth as desired.

Do not use "elbow grease," instead let the sandpaper do its
job of sanding the surface. Pushing down on the sandpaper
tires you out, reduces the life of the sandpaper and doesn't
give you the desired result. You want to use as little
pressure as necessary to sand the piece. Essentially you
just guide the paper, not work the piece.

When hand sanding, use a sanding block, this reduces wear on
your hands and help to get a better grip on the sandpaper.

When sanding a piece of wood move with the grain not across
of the grain.

On a smooth non-grained surface move the sandpaper in small
circles for the best results.

If you are using a lubricant, do not let the surface you are
working on dry out. If excessive wet waste material builds
up on your work surface, wash it away from the area where
you are working.

Be sure to wear all the appropriate PPE or personal
protective equipment
including goggles, face mask and
gloves. Refer to the instructions in your manual if using a
power tool or check on the back of the sandpaper container
you bought.

When using a power sander be sure to first read all the
instructions and make sure that all parts are fitted
correctly. Do not turn on the machine until you have it
applied to the surface correctly and your hand is on it and
you are ready to work the machine. Never leave a power
sander running as it can ruin the project or even injure

Make sure to keep sandpaper in a cool dry place. Be sure to
store waterproof papers in airtight DRY containers otherwise
the grains can become detached from the sandpaper or the
backing may weaken or fail.

If the sandpaper becomes clogged after only a short time of
use look at your work surface. Is the wood damp? Allow it to
dry out. If sanding a painted surface the paint can either
be too new or very old with many coats. This will clog
sandpaper very quickly.

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