Personal Protective Equipment against Shock Hazard
By: The Working Man
Electrical workers face many challenges and dangers on the
job every day in dealing with not only the necessary labor
and safety measures the job requires, but often with
extremes of the environment, high humidity, and extreme
Electrical workers must always keep in mind the three
primary hazards they must avoid each day: shock, flash and
blast, and personal protective equipment must integrate to
protect the wearer from all three.
To protect from shock, the first basic piece of PPE should
be proper voltage-rated gloves that are worn whenever you
work on or near electric lines or equipment that carries
fifty volts or more. You should also always were an electric
glove protector over the voltage-rated rubber gloves, to
ensure that there is no damage such as puncture or abrasion
to the rubber voltage-rated gloves.
The combination of the two gloves will also serve to keep
your hands warm in cold weather. In warm weather you may
want to also use a silk or cotton glove liner to help keep
your hands from sweating.
To protect from flash, in cold weather wear a flame-
resistant insulated coverall or bib overall and jacket. In
warm weather wear at least a flame-resistant coverall. If
your job requires that you wear long sleeves that meet the
voltage-rated gloves, be sure button the wrists and neck
properly. Try to cover as much skin as possible.
Also, be sure to wear the proper head protection, eye
protection and fall protection equipment for the job at hand
and use insulated tools. Don't take un-insulated tools into
the electrical hazard area.
When choosing your Personal Protective Equipment, think of
how the various pieces will work together. For example,
choose sleeves that won't be pushed up by the gloves,
allowing skin to be exposed. Some PPE jackets come with
Velcro straps that attach to the gloves to keep the cuff and
glove together.
Remove any metal jewelry, watches and anything else that
might be conductive before you put on your PPE each day. If
you wear eyeglasses, make sure the frames are nonconductive.
Examine your PPE each day before the job begins, and don't
wear anything that has been contaminated with flammable or
combustible materials. Think before you work, and leave the
job site as safely as you arrived.
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