
Electricity on

the Job Site


Electrical Safety on the Job Site - Grounding Electricity
By: The Working Man

Everyone knows that working with electricity can be
dangerous. Electricity will follow any uninterrupted path
through anything that is conductive. In other word, it takes
the path of least resistance, and if your body is the path
of least resistance, you can be badly burned or killed.

That is why understanding the necessity for proper grounding
of all electricity or preparing for even the possibility of
electrical flow is essential on the job site.

Some basic rules for electrical safety on the job site

- Inspect electric power tools for undamaged cords and
proper grounding before using them. All electrical power
tools should either have a true ground or be double-
insulated, and they should be inspected for shorts before
use each day.

- Use a Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) so that an
electric current imbalance will activate the GFCI rather
than possibly electrocuting someone.

- Make sure that everyone who will be using electrical power
tools can properly recognize the difference between 120V and
240V outlets.

- Use electrical tools only under dry conditions. Wet hands,
feet, and clothing greatly increase your conductivity and so
attract electric current which can give you an electrical shock.

- Unplug all electrical tools immediately. This means even
if you plan to use the tool again in a short while. Before
you lay it down, unplug it.

- Never try to put out an electrical fire with water. Use
only a fire extinguisher certified for electrical fires.

- Only qualified electricians should perform electrical
repairs, even small ones.

Follow these basic rules of electrical safety and any others
your employer may impose and you will have a much better
chance of safety on your job site.

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