Don't get a head injury - Wear proper Head
By: The Working Man
Head injuries are one of the most dangerous injuries on the job
site, sometimes having life-changing or even life-ending
consequences. So protecting yourself and your team members from
head injuries by prevention should be high on your priority list
when preparing for the job.
One of the most important PPE and one of the easiest ways to
protect your head from many types of injury is to wear a hard hat
or safety helmet. Hard hats can protect you from electrical shock
and burn hazards as well as injury from blunt force or
penetrating objects. A small bolt dropped from several stories or
a rock thrown up by the tires of a vehicle can strike like a
bullet. On the job site your hard hat or safety helmet is your
best friend.
In many industries the employer will provide and require head
protection for workers. Whether or not your employer provides
your hard hat or safety helmet, you should especially make sure
that you are wearing the proper head protection equipment if any
of these conditions apply to your work space:
* Anything is above your head that might possibly fall and hit
* There are fixed objects such as exposed beams or pipes on which
you might strike your head as you work
* There are electrical hazards that could possibly come in
contact with your head as you work
* You work in an occupation such as plumbing, pipefitting, timber
and log cutting, construction, carpentry, electric, welding,
heavy machinery operation, maintenance, factories where conveyer
belts and the like are above your head, and no doubt many more
Use your common sense.
Additional Advice
Wear your hard hat with the bill facing forward; the bill may
deflect a falling object that would otherwise hit your face.
Make sure that the helmet or hard hat that you wear is made to
deflect sharp objects, absorb shock, resist water and be slow-
burning, and that it comes with instructions as to how to
properly adjust the headband and suspension. The lining should be
shock-absorbing and the headband and straps should suspend the
hat at least one inch (two and one half centimeters) from your
head to provide shock absorption and air circulation.
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