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The Easy way to

Mix Cement with

Concrete Mixers


Cement Mixers – A Guide
Lucy Bartlett

A cement mixer – the more appropriate name is a concrete mixer
– performs the function of mixing cement, water and either
gravel or sand to make concrete. A revolving drum is used in
the cement mixer to properly mix these components, A portable
cement mixer gives the needed time for the construction workers
to use it, before it becomes hard.

To build a foundation for a home, shed or garage or repair a
building or a sidewalk, the right kind of cement mixer should
be used to ensure the job is executed properly.

The mobile concrete dispenser or mobile cement mixer is used
for batching concrete into several areas such as sidewalks. The
amount of concrete can be properly controlled by using the
mobile cement mixer. Extra water is not needed to mix cement in
mobile cement mixers.

The stationary or immobile cement mixer or concrete dispenser
as the name implies, is fixed in a central location while the
concrete is manufactured. It is used mostly in pre-casting for
building projects in remote locations where a large project is
to be executed.

The increasing demand for ready-mix concrete with short mixing
times meant for industrial production, resulted in new
technologies in concrete production. Using cement mixers, batch
mixing with twin-shafts with only thirty- seconds of mixing time
per batch are possible now. Find more info at www.

Delivery of ready-mix concrete from the factory or plant to the
construction yard is made by a cement mixer, which is part of
special transport trucks with a spiral blade fitted to overcome
the tipping of large drums attached to the concrete truck.
Continuous rotating cement mixers completely mix the concrete,
and using its own hydraulic link cylinder empties the concrete
without leaving any residue in the drum.

Portable cement mixers have wheels and are provided with a
towing tongue, which a motor vehicle can pull around. The
electric power for the rotation of the cement mixer can be
supplied by the mains. A lever in the portable cement mixer
enables the concrete to be tipped into a wheelbarrow.

It is not financially a good idea to buy a new concrete mixer
for a small project, it is much simpler and of course cheaper
to hire one from any leasing company.

About The Author: Lucy Bartlett is a proud contributing author.
For more info visit http://just-mixers.info/  or

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